Summary Sheet Formula and Milestone / Key Task Gantt

Hello community,

I am new to using the smartsheet so hoping you can help me with the below.

  1. How can I update this fomula that I am planning to use in my Summary Sheet so that it only includes count of tasks that has a start date of in the future. I want to exclude those from my count.
  2. I consolidated 3 projects into one integrated plan because of the dependencies between them. It was too hard and added risk if I separated them out into differenct individual project plans, dashboards etc. I know I could have stiched them via reporting.
    1. I want to try to split them apart from this integrated plan into separate sheets. Can I use the link functionality for this? Whats the pro's and con's?
    2. I want to build a separate gant view in my dashboard just showing milestones and key tasks AND also show the predecessors (dependencies). The challenge I am having is, I am using the approach puting "0" durations to my milestones (normal). However, when I to show that in a Gantt View, its not showing the dependencies because my predecessors for the Milestones are only for the tasks that I need to complete to hit the milestones. My milestones do not have predecessors to other milestones or tasks. (I hope that made sense). Question is, is there another way to build the Milestones and Key Task Gantt view so I can show ALL Milestones and Key Task in a Gantt view. Below is a screenshot of the hierarchy to show how my MS's are mapped.

How would you handle the above? Thank you in advance!


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Want to practice working with formulas directly in Smartsheet?

Check out the Formula Handbook template!