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Due Date won't edit

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi everyone

Once I type in a date in my Due Date column, it won't let me change that date.  Every time I edit it, it changes back.  If I delete the field, it will become blank, but as soon as I try to type another value in, it reverts back to whatever the first date I entered was.

Can anyone help?




  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Do you have dependencies set on your sheet? Your date might be calculated by a predecessor. See here for more on using dependencies and predecessors. Sharing a screenshot would be helpful as it might reveal the issue. 


  • Thanks for the message Mike.  That helped me diagnose the issue.  It looks like my Due Date column is an End Date column, renamed. The information button reveals that this is a calculated field (based on Start Date and Duration).  I've uploaded an image of this message, hopefully it appears when I click Post!

    So the solution seems to be, changing the Due Date column from a calculated field, to one that is stand alone.  That said, when I click on the drop down arrow beneath the Due Date column, the Edit Project Settings, and Edit Column Properties fields are both greyed out.  I've also uploaded an image of this menu.

    Does this mean I need to request someone with Admin access to make that change?

    Thanks again for any/all help!




    smartsheet error.JPG

    smartsheet error 2.JPG

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I would ask the admin to add an additional Date column to project called Due date and rename the end-date to due date. However, if you know the formula for how long the project will take to do, you can also adjust the duration (number of days) to calculate the due date as well.


  • Hi Harry,

    Another thing to check is if you are using predecessors and are you trying to use predecessors on a parent row (where there are children underneath)?

    I have seen where customers are using a predecessor on a parent row and it does override any attempt at dates on the children rows because the system thinks you want to dictate to the children rows.

    To resolve and what I would consider a best practice - only use predecessor on children tasks and never on the parent task.

    Maybe this will help further resolve your issues as well.

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