Form Logic


Needing help with conditional logic within a form.

So, I built a form for Training, Travel & Development Requests within my organization. With that, I have built in approvers (the associate chief operating officer is a drop down to select the applicable approver). What I want the form to do is: When a submitter selects "Professional Development" and a specific approver from the "Associate Chief Operating Officer," I want the "Acknowledgement of Professional Development Costs" field to appear. However, I'm only able to add conditional logic to one field. How would I add an additional rule to include if "Professional Development" AND a specific "Associate Chief Operating Officer" is selected to make the Acknowledgement appear? It seems like I only have the option to do that separately, which will not function the way I need it to.


  • ericncarr
    ericncarr ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Mandykrez, the way I'd probably do it would be to create two separate Associate Chief Operating Officer columns on your sheet, one for Professional Development and one for the other option.

    When Professional Development is selected, you have logic to show the ACOO column for Professional Development, when the other is selected then you have logic to show the other ACOO column (you could label them both the same if you wanted to after setting up the logic).

    Then on the Professional Development ACOO column you can have logic that if a specific Officer is selected you show the Acknowledgement of Professional Development Costs field.

    Then in your sheet, since I assume you want all the ACOO values in one column you create your ACOO column that grabs whichever one is populated:

    =IF(NOT(ISBLANK([PD Associate Chief Operating Officer]@row)), [PD Associate Chief Operating Officer]@row, IF(NOT(ISBLANK([BN Associate Chief Operating Officer]@row)), [BN Associate Chief Operating Officer]@row, ""))