Possible to automate emails to send select attachments?

Is it possible to have certain attachments be sent via email and not other attachments? For example: A PDF is generated after an invoice is submitted. We want this PDF to be sent, which is how we currently have it set up. However, the workflow is set to send when an attachment is added, so the person is notified each time an edited copy of the invoice is uploaded on the back end of things. How do we only send the original invoice? Can we set up a condition to only send attachments with an exact name?


  • Darla Brown
    Darla Brown Overachievers


    Unfortunately, this is not available. There are several requests for this in the Product Ideas. Feel free to Upvote!

    Darla Brown

    What you meditate on, you empower!

    Overachiever - Core Product Certified - Mobilizer - EAP