Automation not running

I've created a simple automation to run when specific rows are edited based on a filter condition for the specific auto-numbers associated with the rows. I have tested this a few times and am not receiving any notifications. Did I do something incorrect here?


  • markkrebs
    markkrebs ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    That should work. I assume you checked spam and that the email is correct. Did you get a warning about email permissions on the automation?

  • I didn't! But I did test out a change by filtering on another column rather than the auto-number and found that this worked. Not sure why though… and not 100% sure this is the best solution since the auto-number is an absolute and won't ever change.

  • Hi Monique b.,

    I tested the problem on my end and could not replicate the error.

    I recommend checking your automation permissions as they may be restricted. This is done from the sheet view, open Automations then Manage Automation Workflows. The selection you make can be judged by the criteria provided in the screenshot. This can be tested by changing the action to lock rows, this won't effect your data, but will give you an indication that the trigger & condition are working independent of the automation restrictions. Just please note you will need to unlock the rows after testing.

    Good luck! Please let me know if you have further questions.

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  • Yep, the automation was set to restricted, however I still can't determine why it worked with my primary column and not the auto-number column. Both automations were set to restricted. Thank you so much for your answers!

  • Georgie
    Georgie Employee

    Hi @monique b.,

    Have you checked your personal notification settings? It sounds like you might not have the “Include my changes in sheet notifications” box checked - see below:

    Hope that helps!


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