Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Select specific person/email as the name for automated alerts



  • Any updates on this? My team has been delayed using Smartsheets until this basic functionality is enabled. Thanks.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I echo what many are asking for already, the ability to send notification from a specific tailored email address (ie: ""), not just triggering user, company name, automations@smarthsheet.. If we were able to add our own naming convention to this email (ie: "Finance Admin") that would be so cool.

    IE: Notification is sent to internal employee. Instead of saying "triggering user" or "company name" or "smartsheets automations" it would say, "Finance Admin" via Smartsheets", or "PMO Admin" via Smartsheets" in the sent from area

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I also echo most of the sentiments that have been conveyed with regards to this request. We currently maintain a weekly reporting solution using the email alert automation, which takes data from a sheet row and emails it to a given group every week. Right now, we have had to resort to making the send-as user (in our example, a PM) the owner of the sheet, to allow for at least a more direct reply-all solution.

    What would even make it more expansive would be to allow for addition of a list of emails within the reply-to field as well, so replies could go to multiple users, rather than just the individual owner of the sheet (or a singular custom address). This could be paired with the request from the attached request to make a more expanded email reply-to and naming customization scheme for email alerts.

    Separate reply-to email address for auto emails

  • ✭✭
    edited 08/26/24

    I agree with all the comments in this thread. I have a Smartsheet that folks out at our sites use to report equipment issues and failures. We'd like to automate a workflow that allows us to review and send the reports directly to the vendor but we can't do that because it's unclear which customer these Smartsheet alerts would come from. Especially because the vendor and many of their customers also use Smartsheet.

    We need to be able to be able to send alerts from an email of our choosing with our own custom subject line and signature line.

  • ✭✭

    Please add an option to smartsheet automations for when alerting someone, to specify an email address of who the email is from and a reply email.

  • ✭✭✭

    Please add this feature already…

  • ✭✭✭

    I agree with all of the comments in this thread. Specifically, I would like to be able to specify an email address that the email will come from so that when people reply to the email, it goes to the person it needs to rather than me (the sheet owner).

    The current option for "triggering user" also does not work for my needs because I am looking to set up an automated email to go out at a time interval, which means the sender will revert back to me (the sheet owner).

    What I would like is the opportunity to select a column to pick the email from. For example, many of our rows have a designated agent name/email address attached to them (datameshed in based on property name) in a column called Agent. I would like to be able to select the column "Agent" to be the designated sender of the email, so that replies go directly to the agent.

    I would also like the ability to type a specific email address or person for any replies to go to. For example, have all replies go to our Support email.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I support everything about this idea provided in this thread. My team typically builds solutions for non-licensed users, resulting in our being the sheet owner; thus, replies to automated alerts come to me or my team. The issue is that we are not involved in the process; we are merely architects. When people click Reply, I receive questions and have to respond with, "I'm not involved with this. It should go to (so and so)." This seems like a relatively simple fix to the platform, and several users support it. Let's make this happen!

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