Help with setting up automation


So In the Advanced Formula Handbook, it looks like there's a formula that if implemented correctly, we can match it with an automation to notify someone that once a dependent task is completed, you can notify the assigner of the next task that it's ready to start. Has anyone had any success with doing this?

"Your sheet needs:
— Rownum text/number column formula:
MATCH([Row ID]@row, [Row ID]:[Row ID], 0))
— Successors multiselect column formula:
JOIN(SUCCESSORS(Rownum@row), CHAR(10))

This formula can be used to trigger an automation when dependent tasks are completed, letting the assigned person know that they can start their task."


  • ChristianFinke
    ChristianFinke ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @rtaylor

    Yes, you can set up an automation to notify the next task owner once the dependent tasks are done.

    Just create a column with a unique row number using =MATCH([Row ID]@row, [Row ID]:[Row ID], 0), and another for successors with =JOIN(SUCCESSORS(Rownum@row), CHAR(10)). Then, use the checkbox formula from the screenshot to check if all predecessors are complete. Finally, set up an automation to notify the assignee when the box is checked.

    Let me know if you would like help building this or anything else out.



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