Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Hi there!

I'm doing a cross sheet formula where I want to collect Task Names if the IP Submission Return of the child row (10/12/24 in this example) matches the Most Recent Update of the parent row. The Most Recent Update column utilizes the formula =MAX(DESCENDANTS([Actual IP Submission Date]@row), DESCENDANTS([IP Submission Return]@row)).

Here is a look at the reference sheet {Approval Tracker}.

This is my current formula:

=JOIN(COLLECT({Approval Tracker Name}, PARENT({Approval Tracker Recent Update}@row), {Approval Tracker IP Return}), CHAR(10)))


I do want to add another criteria, but I've already got that one working, so I'm not worried about that yet.

I'm pretty sure the issue is with the PARENT formula, but I can't figure it out. Please help!

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