Lag in Workflow - When is Smartsheet Checking Criteria?

I have a simple workflow with a trigger on When rows are added or changed. The field is status field that I would like Smartsheet to add a timestamp when the status changes:

What I have noticed is there is a two minute lag in this simple automation, however, I am also noticing that it's not just a lag. What I see if smartsheet takes 2 minutes to run the workflow based on the last edited date but it uses the current criteria on the cell after that 2 minutes rather then the value that would have started the workflow. For example, say the rule says Record a Date when Status is changed to Complete. Once I update the field to complete I have around two minutes to go back and change the status to another value. When I do this the rule will not fire. It seems like Smartsheet has delay on the start of the rule but uses the current values that are present rather then the value that started it.

Is there a way to make a date stamp for a the end user fire quickly and more constantly?


  • Paul.Woodward
    Paul.Woodward ✭✭✭✭

    This is a great question! In my experience over the last few years of using Smartsheet, there is always a delay. It does not matter if you save it immediately after change, and then refresh the screen. The delay takes a few moments. I get what you are saying regarding being able to change the cell, and then it disrupts the trigger.

    What I always do is lock the Row, or column that triggers the workflow, so no one can change it.

    Another option, although it is laborious, is the following: Make Changes to Row/Column > Go to automations and find the automation that is applicable > Click the 3 dots in the top right corner, and select the option "run now."

    I know this does not solve your initial question of how to make it fire quickly and consistently. I wonder if smartsheet does this, so we do have time to change items, save our work, etc.