Issue with attachments in smartsheets

Is anyone having issues with word document attachments in ss?


Sorry we can't open this document because there was a problem talking to the service. Check your network connection?

User found workaround to click the 3 dots (more ) then click download the file.

Would like the issue solved though


  • ChristianFinke
    ChristianFinke ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Susan D

    This issue with Word document attachments in Smartsheet could be due to a temporary connection problem or a browser compatibility issue. First, check your network connection and ensure it's stable. If the problem persists, try clearing your browser cache, using a different browser, or ensuring your Smartsheet and browser versions are up to date. If none of these resolve the issue, contacting Smartsheet Support may be necessary for further troubleshooting. The workaround to download the file is effective temporarily but shouldn't be required long-term.


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  • Susan D
    Susan D ✭✭✭

    how do i check the below

    ensuring your Smartsheet and browser versions are up to date.