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Better search highlight for visibility

Guys when you use ctrl F to search in a sheet for a value, the way the search result gets highlighted is a joke. It's like a gray box that can barely be seen, especially if the cell has a similar color. Why can't you make it so that the search result gets a huge yellow box around it or something? I can't even tell you how many times i've had to stare at my screen for like 30 seconds to find where the search result is. Usually it scrolls the window so that the result is near the bottom, but not always. And sometimes, if the sheet is very wide with a lot of columns, the result will be somewhere in a column that is off screen. When you use ctrl F within a sheet to find a value, it should center the search result on the screen as much as possible, and highlight it with something that flashes or something to grab your attention. I can't believe this hasn't been changed in like 10 years. PLEASE DO SOMETHING

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