Removing A User - Try Again Later?

I am attempting to remove a former system admin from our account. I've removed her from all groups, revoked her license and all sharing, deactivated her and now when I try to remove her from the account, I get an error that says "Try Again Later - insert username here can't be removed at this time. Try to remove them again later. If you're still unable to remove this user, contact Support."

I've tried two days in a row. Has anyone else experienced this?


  • Kerry St. Thomas
    Kerry St. Thomas ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/03/25

    Yes. I've experienced it too. I did exactly what you did - incremental changes. I also tried using a different browser, and a different actual machine. My last-ditch effort after waiting a few weeks was to finally throw up my hands and reach out to support. I went back in to double-check in order to write the ticket… and it was resolved! :) I concluded that I must have been hit by radiation from outer space or something and was turned into the WORST X-MAN EVER ("Slow Guy!"), because it looked like everything I'd tried to do was eventually processed.

    My suggestion is give it a bit more time. Since they're deactivated and all permissions seem to be revoked, the only issue is the email that's latent on the Smartsheet account. (As I mentioned, I looped back after two weeks and not just next day.) Try to do it again after a while longer. If that's not an option and you aren't able to wait, contact Support.

    Good luck!

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