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Baseline only select rows with in a project plan/gantt

It would be very helpful to re-baseline only highlighted parts of a gantt so you don't overwrite values which are not to be reset.

15 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • This update would be very beneficial for updating baseline target dates for specific tasks/milestones without it impacting the entire project!

  • ✭✭✭

    Yes! This update is critical to Smartsheet staying current in the agile environment. The fact that you cannot add new rows and baseline ONLY those new rows is really bad PM practice. The proper fix for this is after the initial project plan baseline is done, please give us the option to

    a) "Baseline Only Recently Added Rows (not already baselined)"

    b) "Re-baseline all rows in sheet (existing baselines will be adjusted to current dates).

    Thank you!!

  • ✭✭

    Completely agree! This would be really beneficial for when new tasks are added into a plan or for when parts of a plan are re-negotiated and new timelines endorsed. Currently only being able to set/reset the baseline for the entire sheet is limiting the benefit we get from the baselines feature, would could be really powerful.

  • Would like the ability to baseline project tasks vs the entire project. The are situations that require just a few project tasks to be (re)baselined and not the entire project.

  • The problem pertains to the baseline start and end dates in the project plan. Presently, we only have the option to baseline the entire sheet, not individual rows. To illustrate, if a new activity is added to the plan, you won't be able to baseline that specific row; instead, you'd have to baseline the entire sheet each time. This approach eliminates the ability to observe variances in the Gantt View.

  • I came here searching for how to do this exact thing - as a newish Smartsheet user and a seasoned PM. I add new things to my project all the time! I can't be re-baselining all the time. as mquadeer pointed out it eliminates to ability to observe the variance to the set baseline. Which I like as a metric of schedule and project performance.

    This seems like a major miss.

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