Formula to record and store a value at the start of each day

edited 02/03/25 in Formulas and Functions

I am looking for a way to have smart sheet review an average time at the start of the day and record that value. I would then want visibility of that data over a range of the last 7 days. I am using this in a chart to show progression towards the goal of 21 days.



  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion

    Best process here would be to have a row that calculates the data and every day the row gets copied to another sheet (and that will keep the data)

  • @Leibel S I have been contemplating adding rows of dates to the bottom of my metric sheet and attempting to record the "average value" each day, but this is where I am struggling.

    The main challenge i have is that the tasks that I am averaging are not being completed on a daily basis, so i can't exactly write an AVERAGIF(task date= Today()) style formula

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