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Percentage complete only considers immediate children but doesn't take into account additional child

It appears that SmartSheet does the "lazy man's" version of % complete roll up to summary tasks. Essentially at the summer task level, the % complete is only rolled up from the immediate children level. Even if the children level contains addition children tasks of their own, it never goes beyond

the immediate children level (and calculate % complete roll up from the lowest level in the work plan), which means the "weight" of the tasks beyond the immediate child tasks are not part of the roll up, making the roll up inaccurate. I'm attaching the example calculation spread sheet that reflects this problem. For the PMO workstream in the Build phase, I did the math. if you only consider the activity/deliverable level, the roll up % complete is 31% which is what’s showing in SmartPMO. if you consider all the lowest level tasks that feed up to the PMO workstream, it's actually 58%. We reached out to SmartSheet tech team and their response is basically it is what it is and they’re not going to make any changes. They also said that if we want to disable the roll up completely, we can do so by removing dependencies in the plan, which obviously is not a good idea for us.

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