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Calendar App Data Grouping Order

Calendar App gurus, please help. I've got a Project Plan sheet that I've got five groups or buckets. I created a Report that only shows the top-level records/rows (so five rows). I have created a Calendar App from that report that is sorted the way I want it to display, but in the Calendar App, it has things out of sequence. Mainly, the last two records are flip-flopped. I can't seem to get it to behave as expected. I'm not sure what it's related to. The other thing is that in the Map Columns > Custom Category List Order, things display as I'd expect, but when viewing the app, I'm not getting the same result.


  • Employee

    Hi @Jake Gustafson,

    I tested this on my end by creating a Calendar from a report, but I wasn’t able to reproduce the behaviour you’re seeing - the custom category list order and colours that I set in the Calendar settings were immediately updated in the Calendar as soon as I clicked through to the end of the settings and clicked Update.

    If you’re still seeing the issue, I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team so they can investigate this for you, since it might be to do with your specific setup - they can then communicate with you via private channels.



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