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Issue (or task) list, associated with a project

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

How do you guys manage issues for a project? I'm wondering a way to attach (or associated) a issue (could be task) list at a project sheet level. 





  • Marcus Odum
    Marcus Odum ✭✭✭✭

    I have a folder for each project. The folder contains the following:

    1. Project schedule
    2. Issue Log
    3. Risk Register (can move to the issue log if the trigger date has been eclipsed.)
    4. Sight (Dashboard)

    The top 3 items roll into the Sight with links to reports detailing pertinent information (tasks at risk, aging issues, etc.)

    Alternatively, you can link the issue log in the sheet. (For example: Create a top level row called issues, and then link that cell to your issue log.)

  • ysuzuki

    Hi Marcus, thank you for your idea. As I'm still new to Smartsheet, could you please elaborate what you mean issue "log?" Is it a sheet that has issues? 

    My usecase is pretty similar as yours. I want to show top 3 issues and risks on dashboard (Sight) eventually. 

  • Mike Andreas

    Good thread.  Can I extend the question by asking how people manage actions within a project using Smartsheet, particularly "detailed" ones?  Do you surgically add them directly into the project schedule, defining predecessors for each?  This can make for a messy schedule, but possibly also a very realistic schedule.  This would likely introduce the need for a second project schedule, that is a 10 row rollup/summary of the detailed schedule for reporting and presentation purposes.  I am on the fence between doing this and having an independent Action Log.

    In the end, I would like to optimize the relationship among Issues, Risks, Actions, and Tasks for the sake of making Smartsheet tabs as user-friendly as possible.

  • Andrew Gross
    Andrew Gross ✭✭✭✭


    Sounds like you are looking for a unified theory of project management.   I think that is a white whale of sorts.

    Did you ever find or establish what you were looking for?



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