Addition of the scan function to search a specific number within a work app could provide a more efficient search function for work apps that display a lot of data. For example, for our tool inventory we use a unique tool number for each item of tooling in our inventory. The user searches the specific tool to then "issue" the tool to a specific location. Searching is possible by filter settings and typing which works ok, albeit a little clunky when using a mobile device.
Note: To issue tooling we use a workapp generated from a dynamic view of our tool store inventory.
If a Barcode were generated with the specific unique tool ID number and a scan barcode function were available, the user could scan the barcode which would filter the information within the work app - similar to what would happen when using tool number to manually filter the data.
Users would:
Example Tool inventory Data
Manual search for tool number
Search Result
User can issue tool.
What is the Dream??
Replace this manual search/filter with a scan to search/filter to allow for the scanning of a barcode that reflects information within a specific cell, i.e. "Tool Number" within the workapp.