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Dynamic View Row Height Formatting of Wrapped Text: Bug? Or How Do I Fix it?

We're moving to the new and "better" User Subscription Model soon. Because free users will no longer be able to modify data in cells, we're trying to create Dynamic Views for all our City's Workspaces where free users need to add/update data.

The problem is that the automatic Row Height formatting does not work properly on rows where Text Wrapping is enabled in Dynamic View. The system cuts off the top and bottom of the cell.

When I publish the sheet (View Only), not using Dynamic View, it looks great, but unfortunately it cannot be edited:

But here's what it looks like in Dynamic View for the same sheet:

Notice how the third column, [Text: Wrapping On], doesn't format properly. It should be making the row much taller to fit the text.

In the sample sheet the text is all the same and the justification setting is different. I found that each row only displays about 2.5 lines of text.

Here's all the text it SHOULD be displaying: (11 Rows)

Is this a "Bug", a "Feature", or is there a setting I should be changing to fix this?


Best Answer

  • Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓

    hi @NeilKY,

    It happens to me as well :( same "visual bug" happens in the Reports sometimes - refreshing would do the job but it's bit annoying. If it does not exist already you can open new post with the Product ideas part to fix this issue ASAP.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

    Is there anything else we can help you with? - book your time.

    MASA Consult - Your Aligned Smartsheet Gold Partner

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    Tag my name: @kowal if you need quick response.


  • Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓

    hi @NeilKY,

    It happens to me as well :( same "visual bug" happens in the Reports sometimes - refreshing would do the job but it's bit annoying. If it does not exist already you can open new post with the Product ideas part to fix this issue ASAP.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

    Is there anything else we can help you with? - book your time.

    MASA Consult - Your Aligned Smartsheet Gold Partner

    Find us on LinkedIn!

    Tag my name: @kowal if you need quick response.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    great. Glad it's not just me :)


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/21/25

    @kowal I just followed this up with a ticket to Smartsheet Support. Their answer was that you also have to press the "Text Wrapping" within Dynamic view. But guess what? That applies text rapping to ALL COLUMNS & ALL ROWS.

    Smartsheet, IMO, either needs to carry-over all formatting from the original Sheet, as it does with reports, or give us a whole lot more formatting options within Dynamic View.


  • Overachievers Alumni

    hi @NeilKY,

    I do know this button in the dynamic view. Problem each time you need to press it… otherwise the part of the text can be hidden again. I hope this visual bug will be fixed as well.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

    Is there anything else we can help you with? - book your time.

    MASA Consult - Your Aligned Smartsheet Gold Partner

    Find us on LinkedIn!

    Tag my name: @kowal if you need quick response.

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