PMO Template

edited 03/17/25 in Formulas and Functions

I am struggling with the PMO template and the Schedule Health column in the Project Plan, which is indicating 'Red' even after a Task is complete, with this formula.

=IF([Schedule Delta (%)]@row > 0.1, "Red", IF([Schedule Delta (%)]@row > 0, "Yellow", "Green"))

Could I use a formula to ask it only to count if "Status" is In progress, or Not started? Will this mess up other formulas in the sheet or the parent rows?

Best Answer


  • VBAGuru
    VBAGuru ✭✭✭✭✭

    Your current formula stops with the first condition being true. Any value over .1 is going to produce a "Red" result.

    Not 100% sure if this is what you are looking for. This would be 0% is Red, 100% is Green and anything between being Yellow.

    =IF([Schedule Delta (%)]@row = 0, "Red", IF([Schedule Delta (%)]@row = 1, "Green", "Yellow"))

  • Thanks for response. In the project template the "Schedule delta %" is based on number of 'actual' days/'predicted' days, so if the task is late but 'Completed' the "Health" column still shows as 'Red' - not sure if I am just misunderstanding the concept?!

  • VBAGuru
    VBAGuru ✭✭✭✭✭

    You could do it in the original way you suggested using the Status column. But this is reliant on just that column. You could also combine both together using 'OR'.

    =IF(OR([Schedule Delta (%)]@row = 0,[Health]<>"Completed"), "Red", IF(OR([Schedule Delta (%)]@row = 1,[Health]="Completed", "Green", "Yellow"))

    There are a lot of variants on this depending on your needs.

  • VBAGuru
    VBAGuru ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Main dependents are what is in the Health column.

  • Great, thank you, I played about with your idea of OR but couldn't quite get it to work but the following works instead

    =IF(Status@row = "Complete", "Green", IF([Schedule Delta (%)]@row > 0.1, "Red", IF([Schedule Delta (%)]@row > 0, "Yellow", "Green")))

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