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Best way to share specific rows for edits

LoriC ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hello -

I have a SmartSheet containing several rows with thumbnail images and product information. Hundreds of additional rows will be added as the year progresses. I will need clients to review and add information for groups of rows at a time. As to not appear overwhelming, is there a way to only share the rows that are pertinent for a particular review? I should note, I tried the 'Send Update Request' feature. Very cool option, but the clients will need to double-click the thumbnail to see a larger view of the image - that's not an option with that feature. 

Would appreciate any ideas and suggestions!

Thank you!


  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Providing you are ok to let your clients have sight of the whole sheet if they go looking, then you can use a Smartsheet Report that... using data triggers in the main sheet like Client name "Delta" and "requires update review" you can give each client a Report which becomes their editable To Do List and as work is completed it leaves the to do list, while new work appears automagically, possibly using Date Criteria. 

    If sharing the whole sheet is not an option, then we need to use Appsheet to provide Unique and Discreet User Views with edit rights. The Data in the master sheet will remain in Smartsheet and be updated via Appsheet. 

    I can show you how this works as part of a free initial consultation if needed? 

    Hope that Helps? 


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