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Initial Setup Assistance: Hierarchy Req- Multiple Clients, Multi Projects, Multi Tasks

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Before I get to it and go crazy generating all my works, can you please offer assistance in the best way to set up SS for my needs. Essentially, I want to be looking at one project at a time...my trials have left me with multiple tabs across various projects and clients, it gets confusing. If you are familiar with OneNote, this is how my brain and projects have worked, something similar would be great eg. File, Tab, Page, Subpage as order for viewing a clients works. Is this possible? I'm ready to roll... 


  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 07/22/15

    Hi Marty! Just a couple of tips that some users are not aware of... the tabs at the top can be closed so you can see only the sheet(s) you want or are currently working on. Closing tabs will not delete the sheets or any data in the sheets. Your Home tab is where all your sheets are organized into folders and workspaces. Any sheet you own or are shared to can be opened from your Home tab.


    Hope this helps you get stared! 

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