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Formula to get data from current week only by day of the week.

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have a worksheet with case information and who these cases are assigned to. I am trying to add columns that will total the cases from each day of the current week. ex. columns with a total count for mondays cases, tuesdays cases etc. thru friday. This worksheet has data for the whole month and all I need is the current weeks info.

This is the formula I have that is giving me a result of the previous day.

=SUMIFS([# of Requests]:[# of Requests], [Assigned Person]:[Assigned Person], [CASE TRACKER]2, [Assigned Date]:[Assigned Date], WORKDAY(TODAY(), -1))

What can i tweak to get the result i am looking for?



  • current week's Monday

    =SUMIFS([# of Requests]:[# of Requests], [Assigned Person]:[Assigned Person], [CASE TRACKER]2, [Assigned Date]:[Assigned Date], WEEKDAY(@Cell) =2, [Assigned Date]:[Assigned Date], >=today(-WEEKDAY(today())+2)) ,[Assigned Date]:[Assigned Date], <=today(6-WEEKDAY(today())))


    change "WEEKDAY(@Cell) =2" from 2 through 5 for Monday thru Friday

  • what does @cell mean? i copied this formula and the error says unparseable.


    thanks for your help

  • sorry, didn't realize case sensitivity it should be @cell

    @cell means to use each selected value in the comparison range as an argument to a function

    try this

    =SUMIFS([# of Requests]:[# of Requests], [Assigned Person]:[Assigned Person], [CASE TRACKER]2, [Assigned Date]:[Assigned Date], WEEKDAY(@cell) = 2, [Assigned Date]:[Assigned Date], >=TODAY(-WEEKDAY(TODAY()) + 2), [Assigned Date]:[Assigned Date], <=TODAY(6 - WEEKDAY(TODAY())))


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