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Formula to create a Symbol response based upon a text string in the Comment

Debbie J
Debbie J ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am attaching from my emails a specific email response to the comments. The email will always have the same email the address is from. I would like to create a column using a symbol and say..... If the following text string is listed in any comment related to that record and  to show a green dot.



  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Um. There is no attachment. Can you add it to a new comment so we can see it? 

  • Debbie J
    Debbie J ✭✭✭✭✭

    No sorry....In smartsheet ....I have a record line listing an invoice. When I submit the invoice I receive an automated email receipt from a specific email address. I go to that response and then outlook I attach(copy) that email response to the comments in smartsheet.

    In a column on that record I would like to add a green dot symbol that it has been loaded to smartsheet based upon that unique email address.


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    As far as I am aware there is no way to determine whether information in an attachment that has been uploaded in in the attachment. You can't even check with a formula to see if there is an attachment in the row. I would suggest submitting a Product Enhancement Request

  • Debbie J
    Debbie J ✭✭✭✭✭

    well its not really an attachment it is copied into a comment field. 


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    In your RGB Symbol column add this formula: 

    =IF(FIND("theemail@address.com", [Comment Column]1) > 0, "Green", "Red")

    • Replace "theemail@address.com with the email address you want to find. 
    • Replace the "Comment Column" with the name of the column that contains the email address. 
    • Change the Comment Column Row number (currently 1) to whichever row you are placing the formula in. 
    • If your comment column does not have a space in the middle of the title - remove the brackets from around the name. I.E. CommentColumn1.

    Hope that works for you! 


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