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Automatic Quarterly Reminders?

NTDSC ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi there!

I am building a database to monitor multiple cashflows and am tying to figure out the best way to set up an automatic reminder for the person responsible for each cashflow to update financial information on a quarterly basis. I was thinking of creating reminder date columns (and hiding them) for each quarter. Is there a way to set a reminder date that is not year constrained (i.e. will repeat October 1st every year)? Or alternatively does anyone have a more straight-forward way of doing this?




  • Hi Molly,

    There currently isn't functionality for setting up automatic, recurring reminders in Smartsheet. When you have a moment, please submit a Product Enhancement Request using the form under Quick links on the right of the Community site.

    The plan that you have is the workaround most of our customers use, but it is constrained by the year.

    One other idea is to see if you can instead drive this by a change-based automatic notification instead, details on notifications are available in the help center: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/542904-using-notifications

This discussion has been closed.