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Tracking the number of project work dates of multiple projects on one calendar

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Hi, I am a new user of Smartsheet.  I work for a Conservation Corps, where our contracts indicate total number of work days, and the actual work dates vary and move around based on our daily staffing and the sponsor's needs.  It only matters that our projects are completed by the end of the fiscal year.   I need to track total days worked, using a calendar, becasue many projects have conflicting needs.  There are no set start and finish dates.  Can Gantt still track this?  


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    The Gantt chart will display data from your grid view. The grid view can track this information. As long as you update your grid to represent the accurate amount of days worked, you can use a SUM formula to sum all the days worked or a SUMIF if you need to know on a per user basis. 

  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    To add to what Travis has commented, remember that the Project sheet and Gantt bars work on the principle of a Start and finish date for each task and calculated teh number of working days as defined in Project settigs.  If you start a task and then need to stop the task due to the lack of staff and then restart the task then you will need to re-enter the task again as Part 2 then Part 3 etc .


    I would also suggest that you use the hierarchy structure with a Hierarchy for each contract.  the sub tasks then represent the tasks undertaken rather than the tasks planned.


    I trust that this make sence, if not come back to us.

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