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Alert when a row has not been updated in the last 14 days

Kathryn Duff
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

A project lead has requested an alert that sends to him when a row (assigned to a project manager) has not been updated in the last 14 days. 


My attemtps at a solution:

1: Include the system column (Modified - Date)

2: Trying to apply conditional formatting to make it easily visible when viewing

3: Can't seem to work out way to set an alert based on this. Would I need to just send all rows he leads on every 14 days and then he would need to look at the modified column for the formatting?


Any ideas...




  • Joel Johnson

    One idea I might try is to use the reminders function under alerts.  You will need to create another Date column based on your last modified column with the equation "=DATEONLY(Modified1)".  Then set a reminder on the Date Only Column for 14 days After the DATEONLY field.


    See the attached screenshot, I think this would work. There may be other ways to do it, but this seems the simplest to me.  Good Luck!



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