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Setup weekly Reminder till task is "Complete" - Reg.,

Hello All, 


I have a set of tasks which i requested my team to update once a week. In order to remind them, i want to setup reminders so that they receive email once a week. I saw someone telling to create report and setup reminders. But, i could not figure it out. Request for help here. 


Thanks & Regards

Srinivas Poosarla


  • Brian Carcich
    edited 08/21/15

    I use the "Send update request" feature for this.  There is a "Reminder" feature however, this doesn't appear to allow recurring reminders to be scheduled.


    To setup recurring reminders with the "Send update request" feature: right-click the specific row number, or highlight multiple rows and right-click to select "Send update request."  The "Send update request" feature will allow you to schedule and automaticlly send reminder emails to your selected team members.


    Select your team members in the pop-up window, type your custom reminder message, set the frequency in the "Deliver" section and you should be all set.


    The "Send update request" feature will send the reminders to your team along with a snapshot of the row(s) you've selected via email.  This will also provide your team with the ability to update these specific rows. 

  • Thanks. It solved my big problem. 


    Thanks & Regards

    Srinivas Poosarla

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/28/16

    Hey y'all,


    I am so glad I found this!


    Question:  Will the recurring update requests stop after the update request has been completed? (this is what I want)


    UPDATE 27/Oct/2016:  The recurring request is set purely by a clock.  It does not check to see if the last update request was done.  Dangit, that would have been nice to be able to set a nagging update request until the user completed the request.


    workable option here: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/recurring-update-requests

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