Hidden and Locked columns are visible for Collaborators under search and edit..

Jayam Nagesh1
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


As an admin we made some columns as hidden, but collaborators are able to see under search and edit the row options. Suggest me how to avoid it.

Thank you.




  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    If the column is locked and they are able to edit it, then it means they have admin access to the sheet. Editors cannot edit locked columns. Change their access to editor only and then they won't be able to type into the locked columns. I am not sure about why they are able to search a hidden column. This might be because of their permissions as well. 

  • Hi Mike,

    My question is Hidden columns are visible for collaborators, than where is the security.  Collaborator can search any string in the main search option, It shows the result, where you can edit the respective row. Here collaborator is able to view all hidden cells. Check it once.

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I agree that is an issue. I am wondering if your collaborator has greater rights than an editor. People who are shared as an admin on a sheet can hide and show columns. I wonder if your collaborator is shared with greater access than they are supposed to have? Have you checked to see what level of permissions your collaborator is shared with? 

    I don't have time to test this personally, perhaps a smartsheet employee can chime in and test. You can also report this to support by logging a support request and they can help you determine what is going on. 

  • The rights of the collaborator is editor can not share. I made a request to the support team, waiting for the reply.

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Thanks, let us know the result of the issue because that is a big deal.