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Appsheet timestamp date format

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers

What is the trick to converting the app sheet timestamp date format to be recognised by smart sheet? On the face of it both look to be the same.

timestamp format from within smartsheet is = 3/3/2018 11:48:41

timestamp format inputted from appsheet = 3/3/2018 11:48:41

I tried the DATEONLY() function on the app sheet date and got "#invalid data type" error but it works for the smart sheet created timestamp column.

As I have 3 timestamp columns updated from appsheet i can't just use the smartsheet create or modified column types.

I need the output in date format as i use it to calculate labour productivity per week / month


thanks in advance









  • ✭✭
    edited 03/05/18

    So the only work around i have found is:

    In smartsheet if i set the column type to date but don't restrict it to dates.

    I can then add the timestamp formatted data from appsheet without any issues.

    I then manually change the column to be a number/text format type.

    Then change the column type to be date and tick restricted to dates only, smartsheet converts them all to dates and cuts off the time. 

    It is then a matter of unticking the dates only restriction and more data can be added.

    This is obviously a bug with the API and how it treats timestamps in date columns. 

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