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Can I assign a task in Smartsheet to two people?

Hello community,


My company is on a 21 day team challenge of utilizing Smartsheet to our best ability.

I am working in a project plan for a client and want to assign a task to two people instead of the usual one person.  That way both people can receive notification that a task is due.


Is this a possibility?




  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    The two best ways to accomplish this are either to: 1) create a separate column for person 1 and person 2 (such as Assigned 1 and Assigned 2). Then set up an alert for each column. Note, you'll need to make the Column type a Contact List for the Alert feature to work.


    2) create the task twice (a row for each task...Task 1A, Task 1B) and assign person 1 and person 2 to his/her own task.  Again, if they are not shared to the sheet, you will need to make the Assigned Person column a Contact List column type.


    Hope that helps and I wish you success on the 21 day challenge. I may recommend that challenge for my office. How are the winners judged and what are your guidelines?  




  • Thanks so much!  We never considered adding a second column.  I read your comment at today's team meeting and there was a great deal of excitement.


    We considered tracking changes as a means to judge who won the challenge.  But we decided to vote as a team.  The winner gets to leave early on a Friday!

  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad I could be of help!


    Here is a lenghthy post on this issue:


    Hoping Smartsheet will make some enhancments in this area to add functionality similar to MS Project.


    One other thing... I noticed you're in Oxford.. I'm in Jackson!  Cool



  • Tim, thanks for your solutions.


    Smartsheet does need to add this feature, however. Selecting more than one person to assign a task to seems pretty elementary. Until they add it, it creates some extra work for us. Let's hope they're working on this, or at least considering it.

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