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Archived 2015 Posts

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Sending Scheduled Reports and Formatting



  • Employee

    Hi Preston - there are not any near term plans to change the functionality. You can stay up to date on what we are working on by checking out our product roadmap:

  • It's not just conditional formatting, it is any formula in your sheet. I have a checkbox column which checks if it is this week. Every monday I send a report with the checked columns, but if the sheet haven't been opened the column haven't been updated hence showing last weeks columns.


    This is really a big big design flaw (almost a bug), and should be corrected not as a roadmap issue but as a bug issue ...

  • This is really a pain.

  • ✭✭
    edited 03/09/17

    This is still a problem.  Is there any plan to fix this issue?  I am concerned this thread is from 2015 and I just encountered the problem in 2017.  This is not an enhancement request.  This is an issue, imo.  

  • Hello,


    The current behavior of reports is such that they pull in informations from sheets based on the last save that was made to that sheet. Reports don't open and make new saves to sheets on the backend, then run themselves before being sent out as email attachments.


    At this time, sheets must be opened and saved in order to be able to provide the most accurate information to the report.


    I've got your vote down on our enhancement request list (that is reviewed by our Product team) to add functionality that opens all sheets that are being included in a report before it's sent out as an email attachment.

  • ✭✭


    i am having same issue of date formulae not updating in automated reports without actually opening the sheet. It is a pain to everyday open the sheet before the report time and it defeats the purpose of automating. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.  

  • ✭✭

    I am having the same issue. I have a report that goes out every Monday morning at 5am CST that is supposed to display only the production counts from the previous week (Monday thru Sunday). I use the weeknumber formula to determine which week of the year the production counts are coming from. If they are from last week, a checkbox is marked. The report that goes out to the client is based on whether the checkbox for last week is checked or not. However, due to the formulas not updating, this report can never be accurate. To fix this, I now have the report running based on if the date is in the last 7 days (and I had to created a second date column so that I could tell it that the date has to be in the past also so that today's production rows wouldn't show up on the report) and I have put the Monday date for each week into the parent (total) row so that this will show on the emailed report also. This works for the automatic report that goes out on Monday but it does not work for the online report itself. If the client wants to check the report on Wednesday to look at last week's production, they only get from last Wednesday to this Tuesday. Plus, I haven't been able to figure out how to get the correct parent (total) rows to show up on the report for any other day since I can't use a formula for the report to grab the correct parent row.

    Does anyone know of a workaround for this kind of problem?

  • I know I'm reviving a thread that hasn't been touched in 8 months and that dates back to 2015, but this is still an issue. My company has been migrating more and more to Smartsheet, but this is a bit of a showstopper for many things we've been trying to do. We use formulas heavily and for those formulas not to update unless a sheet is opened is quite a burden. What it has created is a lack of trust in the reports which turns into a lack of trust in the product for those less familiar with it.

    Are there any updates to this issue? Is it even being considered as an enhancement?

  • ✭✭

    This is also an issue for me. When attempting to create dashboard with visualizations of data I can't think of a way to create a hands-free datasource without using the TODAY() function, but it turns out that isn't hands-free at all because it breaks every day unless I open the sheet.

This discussion has been closed.

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