Subtasks in CardView

mikenz1983 ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Hi Their

I currently have 4 sheets which represent 4 departments in a card view ( running multiple kanbans ), off a card may come a subtask that needs to be delivered by another team.

i am creating the subtask which creates the additional card on the main sheet, but when i move the subtask to the relevant department ( sheet move ), the link seems to break and is no longer linked to the parent, is this correct

if so how do i ensure the link is still maintained whilst still moving it


  • Hello,

    The best way to make sure that the parent moves with the children is to temporarily switch to grid or gantt view. 

    While in grid or gantt view, expand the parent to reveal its children, then select all of the rows (hold shift and click on the parent row number on the left side, then on the last child).

    Once selected, right-click on one of the selected rows and choose Move row to another sheet.

    If you're moving a single card to another sheet, and that sheet has a parent row with the same information, the card won't conditionally move under that parent (parent rows aren't intrinsically linked across sheets). You'll need to indent it under the parent on the destination sheet. More on indenting and hierarchy is available in the help center: