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Update request form-not all fields are not editable

Gregg Laukhuf
Gregg Laukhuf ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I would like the update requests recip[ients to be able to update the ACTUAL END DATE field when they receive an update request.  However, that field as well as the ACTUAL START DATE fields are not editable.  For comparison, you can see the baseline date fields are editable.  Is there a way to change that?


  • in the Send Update Request, you can click the Edit button found in Customize. Here, you can choose which columns will show in the form.



  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee

    Hello Gregg, 


    When dependencies are enabled on the sheet, End Dates of sub-tasks, as well as Start Dates of sub-tasks that are driven by a predecessor won't be editiable in the Update Request, but I'll add your vote for this capability to our enhancement request list. You can adjust these date by changing the Start Date or duration of the task, which will re-calculate the End Date automatically. 

  • Will add a +1 here for this enhancement. Also to include the original meesage in the email onto the Update Form so that you can reference what you are changing.

  • Hi Daniel-- I've added your vote for this to our enhancement request list!

This discussion has been closed.