Enhancement Request: Optional Button on Update Request

L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


Allow us to have the option to not include a open update form button on update requests.


I send scheduled update requests to inform users of progress that is not dependent upon changes in the row, as well as ones that remind people to do tasks. Right now I lock all of the included rows in the update request, but I would rather not have to do that as I still have users opening and submitting them.


An example of this is a cleaning tracking sheet I have created. Everybody has to perform small cleaning tasks every friday, and I use Smartsheet to track who has performed their actions. I use an update request sent every friday morning with a webform url in the update request. The user clicks on the webform url from their email, submits it, and my formulas parse the submissions and sort out who has performed what task in the last 10 weeks. I have to lock all of the past rows so people can't edit them from the update request, but I would like them to be able to see the information when they submit so I don't want to just not include them. Otherwise I could just use a reoccuring email from outlook.

Yes they have access to a dashboard with this information, but I think it would be more optimal to have to see it every time they need to submit.

I have other examples as well if anyone wants


  • Hi Luke,

    I'm aware that our Product team is interested in enhancing our Reminders functionality, which is the desired feature to present information that is based around a date, rather than a specific type of change. Please let our Product team know what you'd like to see out an enhanced Reminders feature with the Product Enhancement Request form to the right of the community site.

    In the mean time, you might consider creating Auto-Lock row rules that will automatically lock the entire row after certain conditions are met. This will ensure that people won't be able to edit data in an update request without you having to manually lock the row. Details on the Auto-Lock row rule can be found in the help center: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2476686-lock-rows-automatically-to-preserve-data

  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    thanks for letting me know about the automatic locking rows. That doesn't help me for this function but it does give me some ideas for others. I have already submitted a request via the enhancement request webform.