Autosave Copy of Sheet Daily

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I'm wondering if there is a way for my sheet to autosave to a new sheet daily. What I would want is for it to create a copy of the sheet and save it to an archive folder everyday so I can see the changes that are made day to day. If there is a way to do this please help me out!! Thanks!!!


  • Mick Jordan
    edited 06/19/18

    Hi, I don't believe there is an "out of the box" way to achieve this ie by creating a copy each day automatically. There are however a few ways and techniques to understand what has changed and when etc. What is the nature of the sheet ie what kind of information is being updated and by whom? 


  • It is a client status sheet that shows all the projects we are currently working on and it is being contributed to by a team of people.

  • ok, are you looking to just see what has changed or are you wanting to keep a detailed audit trail of any changes on any day? 

    I take it you have seen Change Highlighting which gives you a visual indication that cells have changed. Combined with the View Cell history feature you can then inspect what has changed and when.  There is the Modified By and Modified Date system columns you could add in to also give you a view of when rows have been updated and by whom.  You also have the notifications that can be set to let you know something has changed.

    If however you want a detailed copy of the entire sheet essentially "backed-up" every day for closer scrutiny and audit purposes then one method would be to use eg Excel with a bit of custom code in and link it to Smartsheet using the data connector. A single spreadsheet could then be set (using a bit of custom code) to copy and save each day's row set so you end up having a day by day set of historical information.

    Not sure if that helps?



  • JLE
    JLE ✭✭

    You can schedule a daily export to your email

    Open the sheet and look to


    -Send as attachment....