RYG Ball automation based on end date and status


I am trying to automate RYG balls based on both the end date [End Date] and status [Complete]. I am using RYG balls for the [Status] column and Harvey Balls for the [Complete] column.


If [end date] is in the past and [Complete] is "full", turn rgy green

If [end date] is in the past and [Complete] is either "empty", "quarter", "half" or "three quarter", turn rgy red

If [end date] is today and [Compete] is either "empty", "quarter", "half" or "three quarter", turn rgy yellow

If [end date] is today and [Complete] is "full", turn rgy green

If [end date] is in the future and [Complete] is "full", turn rgy green

If [end date] is in the future and [Complete] is either "empty", "quarter", "half" or "three quarter", turn rgy green


  • p_bureau



    could you try the formula bellow :


    =IF(OR(Complete@row=true,[end date]>TODAY()),"Green",IF([end date]=TODAY(),"Yellow","Red"))


    Does this help?


    Best Regards,


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