Error when a customer updates a file

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I have been working on a proofing system which automatically sends an update request if a customer declines their proof. Prompting them to upload new artwork.

I include the attachments column on the form when asking for a new file, however when I am testing the update request I receive the following message when trying to upload a new file  'An error has occurred while saving your attachment. Please wait a few minutes and try saving your attachment again. If the problem persists, please contact support.'

The only reasons I can think of are:

1. The old file is still attached when the update request is sent. I can remove the rejected artwork before sending the update request but it defeats the object.

2. The account im sending the update request to isn't signed up for smartsheet.

Please help its the last piece of the proofing system letting me down lol


  • Hi,

    This sounds like I may be more computer, browser, or network related than anything else. Try the following:

    • Try opening the update request in another browser. You can do this by right-clicking the "Open Update Form" button in the update request email, then select Copy Link. Paste that link into another browser and see if you get the same result.
    • If you do, see if you get this same behavior on another computer in your network.
    • Temporarily try another network to see if the issue persists.
    • Otherwise, it's possible that all of the equipment you're using has some sort of network blocking. We use AWS to store attachments. Ask your IT group to whitelist the following domains to make sure you're able to attach files successfully:

    If the above doesn't work, please reach out to our Support team to troubleshoot further.