Welcome to the Smartsheet Community!

Here are your steps to get started today: 


Create an account 

Go to Quick Links > Log in to the Community. When you select this, you will be prompted to authorize the Community to access your Smartsheet account (only for the purpose of logging in). Use your Smartsheet credentials if you are prompted for a username and password.


Fill out your profile

Go to Quick Links > My profile to add information about yourself and a profile picture.


Get answers and Community Guidelines  

Go to Quick Links > New to the Community to familiarize yourself with the Community guidelines and answer questions you may have.


Participate in discussions and posts

When you first navigate to the Community, you will see some sample discussions. These can be used as a reference and to give you ideas about what the Community can be used for.  Once you get a feel for the Community - start posting! 


Get in the Game

You can earn points and badges by participating in the community.. Participation includes posting new discussions, replying to discussions, liking discussions, providing a best answer to a discussion, filling out your profile, and sharing posts to a social network. You also receive points when users like your discussions and posts, so make them great!


Give feedback

We want your feedback! Feedback can be positive aspects of the Community, improvements, suggestions, or bugs. All feedback is welcome and encouraged! The Community was built for you and we want to know what you think of it. 


Provide your feedback through the following web form::




Now, go and enjoy the Community! We hope you find it to be a beneficial part of your Smartsheet experience. 


  • Matt K.
    Matt K. ✭✭

    Thank you for the invite, Travis!

  • How do I move within this community? Here's my scenario:

    I enter my search info and get a list of responses that might apply. I click on one of the discussion links. I find some useful information, but not what I'm looking for. How do I get back to my page of results? 


    There is no back arrow that I can find. If I select any of the previous locations listed in the chain at the top of the page, my input is missing and I have to enter it all over again. Then I can start all over.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Cherie,


    If you access the Community through Help > Community in the Smartsheet app, then the browser window will not have navigation keys. You can right click and select Back if you would like go back in that window.


    A better experience would be to open a new browser tab and go directly to the Community (community.smartsheet.com) which will bring you to the Community with access to your browser navigation buttons.