Column Properties using Symbols

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Anyone here used the 6-state Pain Scale in their sheets/dashboards? We plan on using this for our customer satisfaction survey and I want to know how you guys came up with the formula. If there's an article available around this might be helpful too.

Best, Grace


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    To reference the symbols in a formula, you need to use the text value. To find that, you can simply click the arrow for the dropdown box. It will have the symbol on the left and the corresponding text value on the left. It is case sensitive and has to be "wrapped in quotes". 


    In the below image you will see what I mean. So to use the top one I will use a basic IF statement as an example.


    What I want the IF statement to do (note bold, italic, and underline to show each portion of the formula), is IF a full smiley is selected (no pain), then I want this other cell (the one I'd put the formula in) to populate with the text of "GREAT!!!". If something else is selected (or nothing at all), I want it to remain blank.


    =IF(Status@row = "No Pain", "GREAT!!!", "")


    This can be used for almost every set of symbols. Just select the cell and look at the text value. Certain symbols that only have 2 options such as the single star or the flag will use 1 for checked/flagged and 0 for not in the same way a checkbox column is referenced.


  • Grace

    Thanks Paul for the tips! smiley

  • mmccar29

    Hi Paul, is the no pain supposed to show as the color green? Mine is appearing as the color Yellow which is very close to the other icons. Would there be a way to fix this?

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