Enhancement Request: Dashboard open links in same tab

L_123 Community Champion
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I would like to have the option to tell links to open in the same tab for my dashboards. I have some internal company wide sheets that I have shared by publishing in order to bypass setting up permissions to all of the pages. Where I have files they are linked instead of published to prevent access to anything private. Anyway, when navigating this it opens a large amount of dashboards which is undesireable.


(*Side note on the list of tags for functionality it still says sights instead of dashboard*)


  • Hi Luke,

    To clarify, are you including links to dashboards in the message body of an update request? 

    Are you wanting an update request to be opened in a panel beside a dashboard? I'm not certain on your workflow here.

    Have you tried using notification center to fill out your update requests: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2476506-using-notification-center

    Let me know what I'm missing here.

  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    I'm opening a published dashboard link from another dashboard.

  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion



    Like this. This is 2 dashboards linked together. Click between them a few times and each time it will open a new tab

  • Got it—The title of your post has the words "update request" in them when I think you meant "enhancement request" (unless I'm mistaken).

    There currently isn't a way to change this behavior but our Product team is interested in creating an improved browser experience in Smartsheet overall. 

    Submit a product enhancement request to make sure our Product team is made aware of this behavior, they could be working toward a solution for this with our future improvements. (Don't quote me on that, though.)

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I was fooled by the thread title too.


  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    Apologies. I've changed it. I


    suppose I was thinking of it as a minor change rather than an enhancement, but I didn't really put as much thought as I should have into the wording.

  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    Now that I am considering it, I just realized that you can't right click and view a links properties in the dashboard. This could be a security risk, and could be used to infect a wide range of computers in an account if a single one is compromised. Just edit a link to go to a download.

    Honestly people probably generally don't check out every link, but it is something to think about. 

  • I am also keen to have a feature that allows Dashboard links to open in the same tab, not a new tab. I want all of my pages I created in my Dashboard to open in the same tab and not have six tabs have to be opened in order to explore the site. It is not a Chrome or internet setting issue, it is an internal SS issue the SS programming would need to have this additional instruction the page coding. Forgive my ignorance on how to do that, but would be wonderful to not have new tabs have to open every time I and my colleagues explore our dashboards. Please let me know if this makes sense.