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Signing smartsheet

Joe chaney
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Is it possible to place signatures onto the smartsheet?


i have issued safety bulletins and toolbox talks to install crews who operate remotely andf i want them to prove they have read and undertsood the safety alerts and toolbox talks by signing the Smartsheet?

I will be audited and want to be able to prove to teh auditor that iperatives have completed teh task and the signature is that proof.







  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    See this link: https://www.smartsheet.com/apps/docusign 


    You can use docusign to collect signatures and then integrate with Smartsheet.


    I'd be interested in seeing what you do or anybody else's solution because we are looking to do something at our agency regarding reviewing IT Security compliance & standards and want to confirm people have read the document and obtain their signature.




  • i would also like to be able to capture a signture into a cell in SS. 


    Is it possible to create a new cell property - call it " hand writing", so that it then will capture writting data off the various app (andriod, apple).


    This would be very useful as you could capture cleint signtures directly in SS and not have to port over to another app. 

  • Allan, they are bringing images to the grid. Once they do that, you can add an image of a signature to an cell. Of course, this would probably not hold any legal authority, like Docusign would...

  • I'd really like the handwriting cell property...would also let us capture a drawing in a web form...or a customers signitiee...I don't see how we can do this now.

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