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Non-working days for the enterprise

Andrew Gross
Andrew Gross ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Would like the ability to set non-working days for an enterprise, with the ability for individual smartsheets to opt-out. 


  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    See this article:





    Account-level Working, Non-Working & Holidays

    SysAdmins on Team and Enterprise plan can configure working day settings at the account-level. The settings will be applied to any new sheet with dependencies enabled created by licensed users on the account.

      1. Click Account in the upper left corner, then select Account Admin. The Account Administration form appears. Click Account Settings on the left side.


      1. Click the Edit button underneath the Working Days heading to configure the settings.


      1. Select the checkbox for each day of the week your team members work on projects. Enter a value representing the number of hours per working day in the Length of Day (hours) field if your team works more or less than 8 hours per day. Enter any specific dates of non-working or holidays in theNon-Working Days (holidays, exceptions) section.


    1. Click OK to save your changes.
  • Andrew Gross
    Andrew Gross ✭✭✭✭
This discussion has been closed.