Find and Replace to edit references



I am trying to edit the three cross-sheet references in all the columns from the master sheet of 2018 to master sheet of 2019. Since I need to repeat it for almost 1200 cells.

Is there a way to bulk edit like Find and Replace or something else? Even for selected cells will make it so much easier!

the original is :

=SUMIFS({DSMONEY18}, {MonthDS18}, @cell = 4, {DSVEND18}, @cell = "Vendor")

Replace with:

=SUMIFS({DSMONEY19}, {MonthDS19}, @cell = 4, {DSVEND19}, @cell = "Vendor")

Screen Shot 2018-12-12 at 12.13.16 PM.png


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you open up the formula as if to edit it then just click inside the range reference, you should see that Reference Another Sheet in the helper box has changed to Edit Reference. Once you edit that reference, it should update every occurrence in the sheet.

  • Emory
    Emory ✭✭✭✭


    What if you made a mistake when doing the reference for only certain cells?

    =IFERROR(AVG(COLLECT({Stability Testing Corrections1}, {Stability Testing Corrections1}, @cell < 30, {Stability Correction Assigned1}, $TeamMember@row, {RT1}, @cell <> "Parent", {Stability Testing Corrections1}, @cell <> "", {Stability Submitted For Review Date1}, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY()))), "")

    In this case for example, {Stability Correction Assigned1} is used and is correct. But in many cells, I have mistakenly put this reference and it should have been {Stability Review Assigned1}

    =IFERROR(AVG(COLLECT({Stability Review Delta1}, {Stability Review Delta1}, @cell < 30,{Stability Correction Assigned1}, $TeamMember@row, {RT1}, @cell <> "Parent", {Stability Review Delta1}, @cell <> "", {Testing Scheduled Date1}, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY()))), "")

    Is there a way to edit the reference in a highlighted section of cells? A Find/Replace for formulas would work if this were a tool in Smartsheet.

    I did try exporting to excel, but the formulas do not transfer in the export sadly.

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