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Infos about the sheet/column and not about the rows

Hello, this is a feature request, I hope I am typing in the right place.

A weak point of smartsheet (IMHO) that I hope will be solved soon is the absence of a space where to put informations concerning the sheet or the column. We can add many infos about the rows, using columns but also attchment and discussion tools, but what if we want to add more infos about the whole sheet or a column? for example a sheet is dedicate to a project and collect rows with tasks. I would like to add infos about the project but I dont know where to put it


Another example. I have a column where the users can select an attribut from a list but the interpretation of the attribute is not very easy and would need instructions. There is not a place where to put the istructions. I think it would be helpful and not very dofficult to develop.




  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Your suggestions would be helpful and we have similar issues at our agency on users selecting dropdowns for a project status report. 


    The only workaround I might suggest is to create a top level "INFO" row that you could type instructions in. And so the top cell above that column woudl contain info about that column.


    But I vote for some popouts or other features that allow a sheet creator to provide instructions for that column.




  • Chris Winfield
    Chris Winfield ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/14/16

    I had a discussion with the smartsheet development team a couple of weeks ago, and they are developing something along these lines. They had a pilot version they were able to show me, which effectively would provide every sheet with a set of header information.


    Not sure about timescale for release at this stage, but it would be very useful for us too.

  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Following on from Tims comments:

    If you creat a Hierarchy at the top and have one or two rows below it for adding Column information it can be collapsed when not required and Expended when required.


    If you also lock the rows then Editors and viewers cannot change the information.


    If you create views and do not want the rows to appear in them then enter a id value in one of the columns and exclude it from the views.


    Yes a propper properties option would be good.

  • Chris Winfield
    Chris Winfield ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/14/16

    That's the approach we use, but it's far from ideal from a number of perspectives - presentation-wide and operationally when running reports, etc.

  • Thank you. I already thought and used a "first row trick". It's not elegant at all and if i have the need to ass a long instruction text I should put is exploded into that little space since i dont have a "discussion tool" at column level. let's hope that Smartsheet people will develop and release that enhancement.  

  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You can create more than one discussion per row, so you could create a discussion on the First row one for each column.  This would allow you to place a lot of detail and also attach documents or links to other information.


    James R

  • I would like to add a vote to this new feature request. 

    If you hover over the Primary Column, there is a small "i" in the light-gray space below the column titles. It would be amazing if we can add information to this area, and when hovered over, the users can see instructions. 


    The feature already exists for the Primary Column, we just need it available for all other columns. 


    This should probably be an Owner/Admin feature only.


    Thank you for your consideration on this issue, Smartsheet!

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Thanks for the input Robert! I will add your vote for it.

  • This is a feature that I have been looking for!

    I vote yes, thank you!


  • Yes, this would definitely help.  I have added Global Project Information  for the first few rows and am able to collapse this information, however, it is not ideal.

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/10/17

    API object properties menu.


    This may be off topic, but is it possible to have row/column/cell/sheet/workspace properties available to the Sheet Owner or Admin that would show the various API handles for the row/column/cell/sheet/workspace.  That way when someone is trying to work in the API and arrange the proper workflows, they can easily find the tags for the things they are trying to reference.  I've not worked in the API, but my colleague has, and sometimes finding the right properties of the object he wants to extract can be worriesome.



  • +1


    Do we have a roadmap for this feature? And I'd be happy to pilot or test out when available. 

  • Hi All—


    We've got a new way for you to submit ideas to our Product team. Check out the announcement detailing this process here: https://community.smartsheet.com/announcement/new-way-submit-your-feature-requests

This discussion has been closed.