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Timeline Display Dates Before Project Start

Im new to SS.  Does anyone know how to change the setting on the gantt timeline display to start the day of the project.  I've played around with the primary and secondary headings but the timeline still prints before the project start date.  Example: My project started on 12/30/15 but the timeline starts on 12/1/15. 


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I believe this behavior is occuring because the system wants to show/print the month of the project, so December 1st is part of the project.


    Change that by:


    1. going to the Project Settings (from Gantt view, the gear symbol in the upper left of the Gantt) or right-click a column and select "Edit Project Settings..."

    2. on left side, select Timeline Display

    3. change Primary heading from Months to Weeks. 


    The view will now only want to go back the start of the week, not the start of the month.


    --- or ---


    When printing the sheet, the Print Setup (PDF) dialog has a "Gantt Date Range" where you can specify a Custom Date Range (start on Dec 15th, but you could also only print the first 2 months of the project, for example)


    Hope this helps.




  • Thank you, Craig.  I've tried both those options.  I do need the primary heading to be months given the length of my projects.  I need to be able to print the entire gantt as a readable document on a 11x17. I've also tried to change the date setting to the start of my project but it still prints the entire month of the beginning and end of my project?

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Julie, printing the Gantt chart will (by design) include the entire section where tasks are located. For example if you have a start date on December 29th, all of December will show if you are zoomed in by months. If you had a start date on a Thursday and you were zoomed in by weeks, the Gantt will start on the previous Sunday. 


    I'll pass your feedback and use case along to the product team!

  • Just like to add my support for produce team to develop this functionality.  I'd like the custom date range print function to give the power to do just that.  E.g. my project runs over multiple years and ends in June 2020 but my project prints to December 2020.

    The extra six months of blankness makes the gantt chart unnecessarily small and hard to read when trying to print it to one page.


  • Craig - (I am a different Julie than the post you responded to) but I am having the same problem as the other Julie.  My project begins December 10, 2018 and goes to July 27, 2020.  When I select Print, Custom Date Range, the custom date range is showing as correct.  However, the PDF is returning the entire year for 2018 and the entire year for 2020.  I have tried changing the timeline, I have checked to make sure I don't have an errant date... I am at a loss. Because it is printing so much blank space on the timeline it is making the text unreadable. I have even tried saving the PDF as a jpg and cutting it up like a picture but it looks terrible and I don't want to give that to my client. And I never have posted to forums like this so if I did it wrong I apologize. 

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