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Restrict field to numbers only

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I apologize - I do think this should be a basic question that I could answer myself, but I cannot.  I am new to Smartsheet so still learning.  


I see that you can set a field to Text/Number, but how do I restrict a field to only allow numbers to be entered?  it's a field for a customer ID - that if someone attempts to type text, it would not be allowed - only 3 digit numbers.  Both in the sheet and the webform.



  • Amy Johnson

    There are ways you can create a warning if incorrect data is added (formulas and conditional formatting) but there is not a built in data validation function that will force a user to insert certain types of data. 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Try this:


    1. create a new column "Error_Check" - make it a checkbox type.

    2. add this formula (row 23)

    =IF(ISNUMBER(Input23), 0, 1)

    where the column [Input] is where you are checking for a number.

    You could also use ISTEXT() instead - whichever way your brain works with logical and not logicals.

    3. in the conditional formatting key off the Error_Check column and only set the formatting on the Input.




    Hope that helps.






  • Enis Ujkanovic

    There are options to restrict the input for dates, or dropdown values only, but it would be very useful to be able to restrict input on numbers only. Is this feature in development and when it can be expected?

  • mvrao

    We are seriously evaluating Smartsheet as a possible solution for some of our requirements, but Smartsheet has very very limited functionalities when it comes to data validation.

    And if we cannot restrict data to numbers (at source) and stop invalid entries, then we cannot request collaboration from multiple stakeholders who are required to enter only numbers/number ranges/percentages. 

    Is this an unreasonable request?

    If you want to get this right, may I recommend validation at "Cell" level (like MS Excel), not column level. I also dont want to be using two products such as Google forms at the front and "integrate" with smartsheet. Sounds silly to me.

    Without this basic validation, we cannot integrate smartsheet with BI tools and consolidate data from those stakeholders and provide meaning insights / reports.

    I have seen posts dating back to 2016, and there have been no developments in this regard.

    Please let me know if Smartsheet doesn't believe this to be a critical feature? And also since this hasn't yet been addressed, should I look elsewhere for a better alternative.



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