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Email reminders not working properly

Jeff B
Jeff B
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I am having issues with the email reminders not working.  We use Smartsheet to hold all of our contract due dates.  I want to be able to receive an email 30 days before a contract is up. So I created a column that is a date 30 days before the due date, and set a reminder to go out when that date shows up in the column.  I set this up on Thursday, and I can see multiple line items I should have received an email for, but have not. Has anyone else had this kind of issue before? Or, has anyone set up something similar that has functioned? I also tried settign a notification for a column change, but it didn't email me either. 




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    For e-mail issues like this, support@smartsheet.com needs to be involved.


    If the reminder should go out today (when first set up) it won't as they go out between midnight and 5am Pacific time.


    Hope that helps.



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Craig is correct, reminders need to be set at least one day in the future. 


    Also, notifications are only sent when other users make changes to the sheet. You will not get an email for changes you make to the sheet.


    If you set the reminder for at least one day in the future and you still are not receiving them, it may be possible your spam filters are blocking our emails. This blocking can be happening either on the email client or on the server level -- or both. Check your spam filter settings to see if the emails are being routed to your junk folder. 


    If your client spam filter is not the issue, please reach out to your IT department and have them add the smartsheet.com domain to your mail server whitelist to ensure your organization can receive emails from Smartsheet. The following relays should also be added to your organization's trusted sender list:


    * ord.relay.smartsheet.com

    * iad.relay.smartsheet.com

  • So, notifications won't work if a formula changes a column overnight?


    Also, I set all these reminders last Thursday, so you may be onto something about them being blocked. Thanks for the info guys.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    To your last question, I think the data does not change if someone is not looking at it (and saving the sheet).



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Thats correct Craig, formulas only update when the sheet is opened.


    A formula change can trigger a notification but remember, if you open the sheet and the formula changes, you will not get a notification because you made the change (you had the sheet open when the formula changed).

  • eric1234
    eric1234 ✭✭✭

    Interesting.  So do I need to set the Reminder date to =TODAY()+1 as a work around for this issue?. Thank you

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