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Applying formula/conditional formatting to an entire column + hiding the column



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    OK, there is definitly a bug here - but it is isn't related to moving the rows.


    I had three columns all with formulas.

    All are on my WebForm.

    Somehow, I got it to break. I fixed it by rearranging the column order.

    Now I haven't been able to break it again.

    But I'm on to something.


    Try changing the order of the columns New form submisssion and EN character count and then submit an entry from the WebForm.


    I also played with the order in the WebForm and whether the columns were included or hidden - does not seem to impact.

    If the Auto-Fill is broken it seems to stay broken until something "fixes it" and then it is fixed again for a while.


    Probably a job for support.



  • i also ran into a progblem with my formulas not auto-filling to new subsequent rows.  the culprit turned out to be a filter I had turned on. My formula wasn't actually in every row in my smeet, it was only in the rows that weren't filtered out.  Once I applied the formula to all rows, the new records did autofill the formulas.

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