Weeks Out - Production Timeline Templates

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I'm trying to replicate a function that is helpful for creating production timeline templates, that I use in google docs. Column A is the due date of a task. Column B is the number of weeks out from your launch date. Column A is calculated by taking your launch date and subtracting the weeks out, to create a due date for the task.

Say your launch is Oct 15, 2019 and you want something completed 2 weeks before:

=DATE(2019,10,15)-B1*7   would be in cell A1

2  would be in cell B1, for 2 weeks out from launch 

The formula would then display A1 as 10/1/19 (two weeks before launch)

This formula is helpful if you do the same types of launches repeatedly and have similar timelines so you can make a template for production and just plug in the launch date. Does Smartsheet have a similar type of formula?





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